Днепропетровский стрелочный завод, 49034, Украина, г. Днепропетровск, ул. Белостоцкого, 181

Национальный лидер в разработке и производстве стрелочной продукции для Укрзалізниці, главный экспортер стрелочной продукции в страны СНГ и дальнего зарубежья


Formation of switch shops at Yekaterina Empress Railway.

Beginning of construction of Nizhnedneprovsky Strelotchny Zavod in the city of Dnepropetrovsk.

Output of the first plant production.
The plant was evacuated to Inskaya Station, Novosibirsk Region (Russia). Within the shortest time possible the equipment was mounted in the open air and manufacturing of Switch & Crossing Work, being strong in demand in wartime was started.

According to the Decree of the People's Commissariat of Communications of the USSR part of the labour collective returned to Dnepropetrovsk and started the reconstruction of their plant.

The main body of the plant employees together with equipment remained in Russia and as a result new enterprise was established, namely Novosibirsky Strelotchny Zavod.

In Soviet times our plant together with two similar enterprises located in Russia, fully satisfied the demand of the Ministry of Railways of the USSR in Switch & Crossing Work.

Transformation of the plant into lease enterprise.

After the Soviet Union collapse the demand for the plant products considerably reduced and long period of decline of production began.

The enterprise was transformed into a joint-stock company.

Beginning of the period of revival of the plant.

Днепропетровский стрелочный завод, 49034, Украина, г. Днепропетровск, ул. Белостоцкого, 181